Saturday, February 28, 2009

My Lesson In Burn Treatment

On Thursday, I had a late afternoon cuisine practical of seared steaks, celery root flan and turned potatoes sauteed in goose fat.  I was really excited about the steaks and had planned my plating perfectly.  For the flan, we cooked it in a water bath and removed it right before starting on the meat.  I had just taken the flan out of the oven and had a million things going and for one reason or another needed to move the pan.  Since I wasn't thinking, I grabbed the handle without my towel and am still regretting it.  Then, instead of going to the first aid kit, I tried to finish the rest of class without treating the horrific burn.  Huge mistake.  My hand is still blistered and I couldn't go to my next practical on Friday.  

My wonderful classmates noticed how badly I was doing and helped me with everything, from cleaning my station to helping with my "chef's assistant" duties.  Above are pictures of the hand and a one of the chef's platings.


  1. Ouch...I hope you're on the mend. Had birthday dinners (well, it was 1 dinner but two celebrants) at Porcini's last night with your mom and Rose.

    Uncle Al

  2. ooh...Ouch . ...that looks bad.Take care of that burn
